November 30

How to Sell a House Quickly: 7 Top Tips


Nothing’s worse than the long, dragged-out process of selling your home.

Especially when you need to sell a house quickly, the process of hiring an agent and listing a home on their time can put you in an impossible situation.

How do you skip the long steps and speed up the home selling process? If you need to sell your home fast, read these 7 tips on how to do it.

1. Spruce up Your Home

If you want to sell your home fast, you’re going to have to present it as move-in ready. That means tidying up and getting your clutter in order.

You can do this by:

  • Clearing rooms and storing all non-necessary furniture/items in storage
  • Organizing closets and desirable storage spaces
  • Removing personal belongings that may distract a buyer

A thorough clean is needed to make everything shine, and it’ll give buyers a feeling of new. But since you’re short on time, hiring a cleaning service company instead can get the job done.

Repair the Little Things

Whether you’ve lived in the home for 9 months or 10 years, there will be things that need fixing and repair to get the house close to a reasonable price.

Major projects can take up time and effort that you don’t have. By focusing on minor tasks, you can fix noticeable issues that stand out while still retaining some value.

Some minor projects you can fix around the home are:

  • painting over chips and wall marks
  • Fixing leaky pipes and tightening wobbly furniture legs
  • Shining door handles
  • Fixing loose or chipped tile
  • Updating fixtures

These fixes are less expensive and can make an impact on potential buyers.

2. Make It a Dream Home

Staging your home to a buyer’s liking can be the tipping point you need to get people to fall in love with your home fast. Lighting a candle, laying out scented linen, and hanging curtains throughout are cheap, easy ways to make your house relate to potential buyers.

If you want to make an even greater impression, do a quick refresh of your curb appeal by planting fresh flowerbeds and cleaning the home’s exterior.

3. Take Professional Photos

Photos can accentuate all the good qualities of a home. As tempting as it is to take a few quick pics on your phone, keep in mind that poor photos could delay the sale. Once the home is thoroughly cleaned and ready for preview, take a few moments to research a professional photographer in your area.

The price of a photographer may vary depending on their work and expertise, but it’s an expense worth considering if you want your home to get offers quickly.

The photographer will highlight all the areas that buyers will want to see the most such as the exterior, the kitchen, the bedrooms, and the backyard. One session can be as quick as 30 minutes, and edited photos can be developed fast if rush ordered to use within a few hours.

4. Price to Sell

There are varying factors to pricing your home, like the neighborhood and home condition for selling. Then there’s the reason for selling and how fast you need to close the sale.

No matter the factors or reasons you’re selling, you may need to consider reducing the price.

You want to sell your home fast, and that means your price needs to entice buyers that they’re getting a great deal out of this. It can also allow you to sell your home without the huge renovations, which the sellers will happily take care of at a discounted price.

5. Create a Unique Listing

The house is set, your price is determined, and photos are made; now you need to put it all together in a complete package. Create a listing that highlights everything a potential buyer would gain if they bought this particular house.

Use effective keywords that make the neighborhood, town, and area appealing and create urgency on offers by stating an expiration date.

6. Show Your Home Off

You could receive offers and inquiries within the same day your listing goes out, so it’s important to be flexible with your house showing availability. If buyers are limited when they can see your home, you jeopardize your chances of selling the house fast.

Hold open houses at various times and dates. On days where you’re more pressed for time, you can offer private showings to speed up the time of tours and personalize the viewings to buyers you feel are serious about putting in quick offers.

7. Opt for an All Cash Offer

Sometimes, your circumstances may call for you to sell your home faster than anticipated. Photos and cleaning may take a day, but it may take more time to show the house and wait for offers.

If you need immediate results, the best option is to sell your house for cash. Selling a house for cash allows the seller to skip time-consuming renovations and projects. Plus, you’ll be able to cut agent fees, commissions, and closing costs.

A good cash buyer will evaluate your home beforehand and give you more solutions than one to assist you with staying in your home (should you choose to). But if you’re set on selling, they’ll negotiate the best possible price and make the process quick.

Get Started and Sell a House Quickly

Trying to sell a house quickly can be a challenge, but not impossible if you follow these tips. If you’re really pressed for time and need results now, Wiregrass Home Buyers can get you started on selling your house fast.

They take your home as-is and work with you to make a suitable offer.

Start the process today!

For more information on the cash offer process, fill out our contact form or visit our direct website.

Let's get started on your all-cash offer!

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