August 15

How to Stage Your Home for a Quick Sale


Despite the pandemic, Alabama broke home sale records in 2020 with almost a 10% increase from the previous year. That means if you’re looking to sell a house in the Alabama Wiregrass area, there’s some competition out there. For those owners who want to make a quick sale, it can be disheartening to see that buyers have a lot of choice.

The good news is, houses are still selling fast, and there are more buyers than owners. If you want to make a quick sale, however, there are some steps you should follow to make your house as appealing as possible. Read on to find out what they are.

1. Declutter

It’s said that a cluttered home can be stressful, so if you want to make a good impression on someone, declutter! Decluttering has mental health benefits, so you’ll feel good and the people entering your home will too.

Make sure you get rid of anything you don’t need and, if need be, hire a temporary storage facility.

That way, if you have too many things but need to sell a house fast, you have somewhere to hide them.

2. Deep Clean

If you want to sell a house, you’ll also have to deep clean it. You can hire someone to do this if you don’t have the time, or you can save money and do it yourself.

If you do, be prepared to scrub every corner, as buyers will want to look everywhere in the house. You can’t keep them out of one room you didn’t have the time to clean, or they might think something is wrong with it.

The time you take to clean will be well worth it.

3. Make Repairs

If you’ve been searching “sell my house” to find out what to do, you might be dismayed to find out you’ll have to make the repairs you’ve been putting off. If there are aesthetic faults with the house or anything else, repairing them prior to people viewing the house will make a huge impact on who buys.

It might feel like a financial sink — or a time sink, if you’re going to DIY the fixes — but it’ll be worth it when weeks are shaved off the time it takes to sell the house.

4. Depersonalize

Depersonalizing the house is a move people often don’t think to make. However, buyers want to see a house that they feel they can make their own.

If there’s specific artwork related to a personal pet or fandom, or personal pictures hung up in the house, moving them can make a huge difference to someone’s impression.

When someone is thinking about buying a house, they imagine it being theirs. That’s much easier to do if someone else’s things aren’t everywhere, making it difficult to envision the personal touches they’d put on it themselves.

If you do have artwork, make sure it’s neutral and inoffensive.

5. Move the Pets

If you have pets, you might want to arrange a getaway for them during the time it takes for someone to view the house. Consider boarding them for a couple of days if you have a dog, or figuring out at least one room you can put them in if there’s a surprise viewing.

Many people are allergic to cats and/or dogs, so it’s good to take that into consideration.

You should also try to move any litter boxes, as these can sometimes put people off. The smell of a litter box is often not pleasant!

6. Tidy the Yard

The first impression people will have of your house is likely the front yard, so make sure you make it look as nice as possible. Mow the lawn and try to make everything neat.

You can also wash the windows and door of your house so when people walk up to knock, they already think of the house as being clean and welcoming.

First impressions are everything!

7. Make the Beds

Make sure you make all of the beds with new sheets. White always makes a good impression, because it’s clean and neutral.

It can be an easy thing to overlook, because it’s such a simple thing, but you should make sure they’re as inviting as possible.

While you’re at it, replace the towels in the bathroom with new crisp white ones.

8. Let in Natural Light

The last thing you should do is let in as much natural light as possible. This will open up the home, making it look bigger and more inviting.

Natural light will also make everything look nicer. If your home is in darkness, it can really put a buyer off because it will make the mood a lot drearier. The aim is for buyers to leave your home feeling happy and confident that this is their new house.

Open up all those blinds and curtains, and position the furniture so everything is lit up.

Congratulations on Your Quick Sale!

If you do all of this, it should be easy to make a quick sale! Although there are a lot of houses on the market, there are plenty of buyers too.

Besides, many of those houses don’t go to much effort, so if you do all of this, you’ll stand out in a crowd.

Making a quick sale can be stressful but with a little bit of time and work, you’ll do it with ease.

If you’re looking for an even quicker sale, and someone to buy your house in the Alabama Wiregrass area, contact us today.

Let's get started on your all-cash offer!

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